Friday, July 11, 2008

Bee Aware

Colony Collapse Disorder is threatening the very foundation of our food supply. When the bees disappear, how will we produce food? Our eco-system is SO fragile! There's a lot of smoke and mirrors around what the culprit is for CCD - cell phones are getting blamed or proposed as a possible cause. That was probably cooked up by Bayer to delay any real discussion about the real cause - rampant use of neonicitinoid pesticides. Another reason to eat organic and fight the big chemical companies. They are destroying the planet as fast as they can.



Piú giú, in fondo alla tuscolana...!?...passavo per un saluto!

kartika said...

Saluminous - thank you for posting this - as we talked about yesterday, this is scary stuff and I pray we do something about it! Kartika

Helena said...

I feel scared too reading about species disappearing one after another. First the great mammals and predators, now the insects and polar region species too. And still people don't seem to care or even know about the facts.

At least I have a profession where I can spread the information and I'm trying to reach as many people as I can, but life is so hectic these days that people don't seem to have time to think about what they're doing.

Helena said...
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Helena said...

Happy New Year! Hoping for some new posts... :-)

PS. You mentioned that you were a writer. What type of a writer if I may ask?